Movie Review: Water and Garri

It sounds like “Water and Garri” struggled to deliver a compelling narrative and meaningful character development despite its promising visuals and soundtrack. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the key issues and strengths of the film based on your review:

Key Issues:

  1. Narrative Inconsistency:
    • Plot Execution: The story starts strong but quickly loses momentum. The intriguing opening scene sets high expectations that the rest of the movie fails to meet.
    • Character Motivation: Aisha’s delayed return to Eastside after her cousin’s brother’s death lacks urgency and emotional depth. Her interactions with her cousin are minimal and unimpactful, detracting from the emotional weight of her journey.
    • Contradictory Storytelling: There are inconsistencies in how Eastside is portrayed and how characters react to it. Aisha’s shock at the state of Eastside upon her return contradicts her past experiences, creating a disconnect for the audience.
    • Unconvincing Setting: Eastside is presented as a melting pot of cultures, but this feels like an excuse for a lack of coherent world-building. The vibrant, colorful costumes and set pieces clash with the intended portrayal of a gritty, troubled area.
  2. Character Development:
    • One-Dimensional Characters: The characters lack depth, making it difficult for the audience to connect with them. This is evident in the performances, which come across as routine and uninspired.
    • Dialogue Issues: The dialogues are often poorly written, breaking immersion and making scenes feel disjointed. Characters frequently state the obvious or contradict what the audience has already seen.
  3. Set Design:
    • Inconsistent Aesthetics: The set designs, particularly Aisha’s home, do not align with the external environment, making the setting feel unrealistic. The explanation for these inconsistencies feels forced rather than integrated into the story.


  1. Cinematography:
    • Visual Appeal: The cinematography is a standout feature, with striking visuals and creative camera angles that elevate the film’s aesthetic appeal. The editing is clean and enhances the visual storytelling.
  2. Soundtrack:
    • Musical Quality: The soundtrack is another highlight, crafted with care to complement the film’s atmosphere. Tiwa Savage’s involvement ensures the music is a strong point, even if it occasionally overshadows the narrative.


“Water and Garri” offers a visually appealing experience with a stellar soundtrack, but these elements are not enough to compensate for the film’s narrative and character shortcomings. The movie prioritizes style over substance, leaving viewers with beautiful images and sounds but a hollow story. To fully appreciate the potential of “Water and Garri,” a more coherent and emotionally engaging storyline is needed. The film feels more like an extended music video than a cohesive cinematic experience, echoing the pitfalls of similar projects that emphasize aesthetics at the expense of depth and meaning.

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